Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nolan Fever

I've been watching all kinds of Christopher Nolan movies recently. You could say I have a fever. But that would silly as I am quite healthy.

My first Nolan movie was The Prestige. The reason I watched it? Fucking David Bowie. I went in looking for the Bowie. Couldn't find the bastard. It was only at the end, when the credits were rolling, I noticed he was Tesla. Sure enough, (after rewinding), he WAS Tesla. Damn bastard is a good actor.

2010, I saw Inception. It was thrilling and quite creative. A bit too much shooting for a psychological movie (batman had less shooting) but still AMAZING. But now I knew who Nolan was.

I have to admit: I had seen NONE of the batman movies. But I decided to get the famous "The Dark Knight" Movie. It was great. I recommend it to all, even if you dislike action. Then I saw Batman Begins. Also amazing, though I wish Scarecrow had more action.

I saw Insomnia last Tuesday. Another thrilling movie. Absolutely wonderful.

This leaves 2 more Nolan movies to see: Momento and ......I can't even remember anymore.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer Manga Review

So, I finished this manga! It was a medium length manga so it didn't take too long. It IS completed, which I know is a huge incentive for people.

The genre is Fantasy, Shounen, Action, Adventure, and Romance. The story is, without revealing too much, about a boy who wakes up to a talking lizard. The lizard tells him that he is being conscripted to save the world from a magician who plans to destroy the world with a giant hammer. His other task is to protect the princess, who is currently possessing a classmate of his.

However, the boy and princess' host have a secret: They secretly want to destroy the world themselves! Thus, they must keep this secret from the other beast knights (like our protagonist) until the final moment!

That's the overview without getting into too much detail.

Story: 8.
Very good story, though a bit cliched. It has lots of twists and turns and is lots of fun. Definitely very exciting but not TOO exciting that it'd wear you out! Also, it isn't dragged out. In the end, I thought it could have gone longer. Overall, it was a very fun story.

Characters: 9
This is the shining point. EVERY CHARACTER (all 15 or so) are great and beautifully developed. I specially love the princess' host who seems to be an eviler force than the antagonist. I LOVE it! I love the feeling of servitude to an evil girl like her. As for the beast knights, everyone has a great backstory and great personality. Unfortunately, a few characters here and there don't really show up near the end. But the biggest fault is: I can't remember any of their names. It JUST doesn't seem to matter. You remember them by their animals.

Tidbits: 10
-great art
-lots of little interesting facts (like the Akimisic records, spear of longivus, etc)
-attractive storyline

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Japanese Radio

So on the night May 4th, 2010, Japan played a bunch of anime openings and closing. They had the VA for Sakura (CCS) and Shinji (Evangelion). I was banned from /a/ for posting this link but here the songs

I'll post a link here to download the songs presented.

  • 073. アナタノオト / ランカ・リー(中島愛)[マクロスF]
  • 072. 射手座☆午後九時 Don't be late / シェリル・ノーム(starring May'n)[マクロスF]
  • 070. 愛・おぼえていますか / ミレーヌ‧ジーナス(櫻井智)[マクロス7]
  • 070. ...だけどベイビー!! / ミレーヌ‧ジーナス(Chie Kajiura)[マクロス7]
  • 069. 天使の絵の具 / リン・ミンメイ(飯島真理) [超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか]
  • 068. ラムのラブソング / 松谷祐子 [うる星やつら]
  • 067. 愛をとりもどせ!! / クリスタルキング [世紀末救世主伝説 北斗の拳]
  • 066. CAT'S EYE / 杏里 [キャッツ・アイ]
  • 065. 摩訶不思議アドベンチャー! / 高橋洋樹 [ドラゴンボール]
  • 064. タッチ / 岩崎良美 [タッチ]
  • 063. 私はマチコ / 今田裕子 [まいっちんぐマチコ先生]
  • 062. 恋は突然 / 堀江美都子 [愛してナイト]
  • 061. 炎のさだめ / TETSU [装甲騎兵ボトムズ]
  • 060. ゆずれない願い / 田村直美 [魔法騎士レイアース]
  • 059. ブルーウォーター / 森川美穂 [ふしぎの海のナディア]
  • 058. おじゃまんが山田くん / こおろぎ'73 [おじゃまんが山田くん]
  • 057. エッちゃん / 増山江威子 [さるとびエッちゃん]
  • 056. やるぞ一発!野球道 / 千葉由美、ヤング・フレッシュ、こおろぎ'73 [一発貫太くん]
  • 055. Beautiful World / 宇多田ヒカル [ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:序]
  • 054. 魂のルフラン / 高橋洋子 [新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 シト新生]
  • 053. 残酷な天使のテーゼ / 高橋洋子 [新世紀エヴァンゲリオン]
  • 052. My Secret / 水野佐彩 [会長はメイド様]
  • 051. 氷の上に立つように / 小松未歩 [名探偵コナン]
  • 050. ときめきトゥナイト / 加茂晴美 [ときめきトゥナイト]
  • 049. 夢色チェイサー / 鮎川麻弥 [機甲戦記ドラグナー]
  • 048. ガリアン・ワールド -Run For Your Life- / EUROX [機甲界ガリアン]
  • 047. 失われた伝説(ゆめ)をもとめて / アンディ [機甲創世記モスピーダ]
  • 046. Agape / メロキュア [円盤皇女ワるきゅーレ]
  • 045. すきすきソング / 水森亜土 [ひみつのアッコちゃん]
  • 044. ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 / 熊倉一雄 [ゲゲゲの鬼太郎]
  • 043. ハクション大魔王の歌 / 嶋崎由理 [ハクション大魔王]
  • 042. アンパンマンのマーチ / ドリーミング [それいけ!アンパンマン]
  • 041. 宇宙大シャッフル / LOVE JETS [ちびまる子ちゃん]
  • 040. 冒険でしょでしょ? / 平野綾 [涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱]
  • 039. 銀河鉄道は遥かなり / ささきいさお [銀河鉄道物語]
  • 038. 盗んだハートはココですよ? / 小倉唯 with ぷるぷるいゃ〜ん [怪盗レーニャ]
  • 037. 千本千女の刃毬唄 / 畑亜貴 [刀語]
  • 036. 鳥の詩 / Lia [AIR]
  • 035. My Soul, Your Beats! / Lia [Angel Beats!]
  • 034. DAYBREAK'S BELL / L'Arc〜‎en〜‎Ciel [機動戦士ガンダム00]
  • 033. 焔の扉 / FictionJunction YUUKA [機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY]
  • 032. DREAMS / ROMANTIC MODE [機動新世紀ガンダムX]
  • 031. JUST COMMUNICATION / TWO-MIX [新機動戦記ガンダムW]
  • 030. FLYING IN THE SKY / 鵜島仁文 [機動武闘伝Gガンダム]
  • 029. STAND UP TO THE VICTORY 〜トゥ・ザ・ヴィクトリー〜 / 川添智久 [機動戦士Vガンダム]
  • 028. 勇者王誕生! / 遠藤正明 [勇者王ガオガイガー]
  • 027. ゲームセンターあらし / 水木一郎 [ゲームセンターあらし]
  • 026. 君の知らない物語 / supercell [化物語]
  • 025. 溝ノ口太陽族 / manzo [天体戦士サンレッド]
  • 024. 深愛 / 水樹奈々 [WHITE ALBUM]
  • 023. 魔法使いサリー / スリーグレイセス [魔法使いサリー]
  • 022. 行け!タイガーマスク / 新田洋・スクールメイツ [タイガーマスク]
  • 021. アタックNO.1 / 大杉久美子 [アタックNO.1]
  • 020. ゆけゆけ飛雄馬 / アンサンブル・ボッカ [巨人の星]
  • 019. 鉄腕アトム / 上高田少年合唱団 [鉄腕アトム]
  • 018. キン肉マンGo Fight! / 串田アキラ [キン肉マン]
  • 017. Glossy:MMM / 橋本みゆき [咲 -Saki-]
  • 016. デリケートに好きして / 太田貴子 [魔法の天使クリィミーマミ]
  • 015. バカ・ゴー・ホーム / milktub [バカとテストと召喚獣]
  • 014. Faze to love / 橋本みゆき [ガンパレード・オーケストラ]
  • 013. STORIES / 喜多修平 [ミラクル☆トレイン〜大江戸線へようこそ〜]
  • 012. 夢光年 / 影山ヒロノブ、こおろぎ'73 [宇宙船サジタリウス]
  • 011. Breakin' through / 喜多修平 [PERSONA - trinity soul -]
  • 010. ミッドナイト・サブマリン / HARRY [未来警察ウラシマン]
  • 009. ヤッターマンの歌 / 山本正之、少年少女合唱団みずうみ [ヤッターマン]
  • 008. 鉄人28号 / デューク・エイセス [鉄人28号]
  • 007. ワンダースリー / ボーカル・ショップ [W3(ワンダースリー)]
  • 006. 狼少年ケン / 西六郷少年少女合唱団 [狼少年ケン]
  • 005. できるかなって☆☆☆ / ゆの(阿澄佳奈),宮子(水橋かおり)、ヒロ(後藤邑子)、沙英(新谷良子) [ひだまりスケッチ×☆☆☆]
  • 004. 忍者ハットリくん / 堀絢子、コロムビアゆりかご [忍者ハットリくん]
  • 003. Step / a・chi-a・chi [魔神英雄伝ワタル]
  • 002. がんばれドカベン / こおろぎ'73 [ドカベン]
  • 001. オラはにんきもの / のはらしんのすけ [クレヨンしんちゃん]

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Austin Powers and Caddyshack

A quick review of the 3 Austin Powers movies (before the 4th comes out):
-International man: 8
-Spy who shagged me: 6
-Goldmember: 8

Yes, the second one is the worst. The first had a good story and third one is hilarious with good references. Second one has the best girl. All of them have the best music.

Caddyshack is a great movie: good music, great humor, great character. Very rewatchable

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ghost Stories

Ah, one of the few good english dubbed anime.

Basically, in 2001, Japan made a horror anime series starring a bunch of... high schoolers (?). It sucked and ripped off horror films. So when it came to america, ADV made it into a parody anime, rewriting (more like destroying) the entire script. Now its anime with pop culture reference, crude humor, and 4th wall smashing.

Its AWESOME. Funny, clever, and a totally endearing. While the first 2 episodes are quite lame, after that, they are all good (save MAYBE 1 or 2 episodes here and there). The characters are great, the music is great (stolen from Inuyasha, I swear), and the games are grand.